Hairstyles with braids are incredibly popular also with little girls, and at young ladies is more senior. Unfortunately, not each of them can brag of thick hair which forms volume cones on the head. However, small cunnings will help to create practically on any head of hear beautiful volume braid.
It is required to you
- - hairbrush;
- - scrunchy.
- Comb hair, it is the most convenient to braid volume braid when they clean and easily are divided into locks. If necessary use the conditioner.
- Allocate part of hair on the top of the head. Technology of weaving of volume braid is similar to that that is used during creation of the French. Difference only in how locks are connected to process. Sometimes such hairstyle is called the French braid on the contrary or dragon. Divide hair into three equal parts.
- Begin weaving. Get the right lock of hair from below between two others. Record fingers. Then left also place in the center. Tighten hair that the tension of locks was approximately identical.
- Connect other hair to work. For this purpose forefinger separate lock to the right of weaving, smooth that sideways from braid roosters were not formed. Try not to take large number of hair, thinner curls in weaving look better. Connect part to working lock, bring hair from below to the center. Do the same procedure at the left. On the top, accurate bends like wheaten ear are formed. Try to spin braid not too hardly.
- Give to braid volume. For this purpose record weaving by one hand, and index and thumb another accurately pull bends to increase them. Then continue to braid volume braid. It is necessary to extend hair after each three-four interceptions, otherwise it will be difficult to be made exactly and beautifully.
- After all hair are involved in hairstyle, it is necessary to correct braid which has to be formed on the head. Once again tighten bends that they were approximately identical. Then continue to do usual plait, but that the lower part did not look thinner, than upper, also through each three-four interceptions give volume, tightening locks. Fix braid by elastic band, if necessary sprinkle varnish. This hair can learn to be done even on itself and not only from top to down, but also on one side or obliquely.