Hair extension is incredibly popular modern technology which allows the great lady to change all in couple of hours. Smart long curls thanks to this procedure are not big rarity and pipe female dream any more. Hair for building can be different. Choose for yourself that type most of which of all will suit you.
- The most low-quality and consequently, and, Asian hair for building are cheap. Their locks are processed by pretty plentiful layer of silicone which gives them strong, even unnatural, gloss. At the expense of such covering the Asian hair for building first seem just ideal. But after a while silicone from them is washed away, and hair begin to sputyvatsya.
- Are more better the Italian hair for building are. They are carefully selected, processed, disinfected and painted by resistant dyes. Processing by special chemical composition gives to curls fluffiness and saves them from excessive elasticity. Naturally, are of such hair more expensive, than Asian. But, choosing the Italian hair, you can be sure that they will serve to you long enough and will sustain not one correction.
- The important advantage of the Italian hair for building is their wide color palette including 83 most various shades. Among them you will find not only curls which tone is brought closer to natural, but also locks of bright extravagant colors. Thanks to poslushnost of such hair, it is very easy to stack them.
- If you dream of long, equal, straight hair, among the Italian locks for building you will not manage to find such. Because of specific chemical treatment the Italian hair have easy bend and need constant straightening by nippers or the hair dryer.
- The most qualitative among all types of hair for building are Slavic hair. They are not exposed to chemical treatment and are practically not painted. Slavic locks for building can serve to you long time thanks to integrity of their structure.
- Among Slavic hair for building you without effort will be able to choose those which suit you most of all, they can be both thin, and thick, and direct, and wavy. Because Slavic locks for building are processed manually, among all types of hair they are the dearest.