want to look good both, and to women. Not everyone suits pleasant completeness. The most effective means of weight loss, besides treatment of any hormonal violations, is restriction in food. The last is reached, generally by control of the appetite.
- Drink in twenty minutes prior to food glass of water. This simple action will help small reduction of appetite. It is possible to be sure that the excess piece should not be eaten.
- For the night instead of tea with roll it is better to drink glass of kefir or other lactic product. It more usefully (well influences digestion), and is more nutritious.
- Drink liquids more. Juice, broths, compotes, nutritious drinks, water – choose any on the taste.
- Eat in the small portions and it is frequent, but try to support the mode at the same time. The use of food in certain time will promote due appetite. You will not have a bite between the main meals.
- Try to refuse sharp, strongly salty, fat dishes and also, whenever possible, alcohol. They very much stimulate appetite. It is better to pay attention to rye bread, fruit, vegetables, cheeses and other, more useful and natural products.
- Chew more slowly. It is very useful for digestion, at the same time the feeling of hunger becomes dull and quicker there occurs saturation.
- After meal put away ware and all remained products at once. It is not necessary to leave on table vase with cookies or candies.
- Avoid stressful situations during which experience all the time getting hungry. You teach yourself more simply and to treat philosophically life, accepting the events with wisdom and patience.
- For control of appetite you should not take medicines without the recommendation of the professional doctor. Only the correct selection of medicines will help to solve similar problems.
- Psychologically adjust yourself that needs to be eaten less. Do not look for minuses of this situation, and, on the contrary, only pluses. And they are enough too – it will be easier for you, the health will improve, there will be fresh and healthy complexion, the organism, etc. will a little be cleaned. It is necessary to focus the thoughts on food less. It will be easier for those though sometimes to refuse it.