How to do aromaraschesyvaniye

How to do aromaraschesyvaniye

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Aromaraschesyvaniye is idle time, but incredibly effective way for weekly hair care. For aromaraschesyvaniye difficult devices or ingredients, only hairbrush from natural material (tree or bristle) and essential oil which aroma is pleasant to you most of all are not necessary.

Aromaraschesyvaniye highly influences growth of hair and, of course, their appearance. Hairs not only become shiny and healthy, but also gain wonderful aroma. Besides essential oils have positive impact on mood of the person.

Choosing essential oil for aromaraschesyvaniye, it is necessary to give preference to gentle aromas which do not cause irritation and do not possess the suffocating smell capable to provoke headaches. Choose oils which aromas are pleasant to you and cause only the most pleasant emotions. Also pay attention that oils possess different impact on nervous system: they are capable to calm or to invigorate on the contrary. Use the invigorating oils in the morning: mint, rosemary, ginger, cinnamon. Give preference to the aromas helping to relax in the evening: ylang-ylang, camomile, rose, lavender, eucalyptus. And for appointment be not too lazy to use the oils which are considered as aphrodisiacs: grapefruit, jasmine, patchouli, nutmeg, pink tree. The sensuality and passion will fill you and your partner.

It is very simple to comb hair with essential oil. For this purpose on hairbrush it is necessary to drip several drops (no more than 5) of the essential oil which was pleasant to you. After that it is necessary to comb hair at least 5-7 minutes. If there is enough patience, then on combing it is possible to spend more time. Do not use too much oil, in case with aromaraschesyvaniye does not mean better any more: the headache and even irritation are possible. Before use of oil it is necessary to carry out the test on any site of skin to be convinced that you will have no allergic reactions. The procedure of aromaraschesyvaniye it is possible to carry out 2 times a week. It is enough to make hair more beautiful and healthy and to maintain the achieved result.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
