The painting hair preparations release in the form of creams, gels, mousses and shampoos. Not so long ago producers of cosmetic products have pleased women with novelty – paint-mousse in shaker. Pluses of such means not only in its great koloriruyushchy abilities, but also in usability.
What is shaker
The appearance the shaker reminds mighty mug for kids, but without nose. It is made of strong plastic material which does not enter chemical reaction with components of paint and is closed by dense cover. Shaker height, as a rule, is from 12 to 15 cm.
On side the measured scale indicating contents volume in ml is placed. About its help it is possible to measure easily the necessary amount of ingredients of the painting means. In professional beauty shops the shakers are used already for a long time, and here in house conditions he has received popularity rather recently.
How to use shaker
Complete with shaker, as a rule, there is hair-dye in the form of mousse. Advantages of mousse before other forms of paint are obvious – it easy to put and wash away, it exactly paints hair on all length and does not leak during process. It is extremely simple to use shaker - all ingredients of hair-dye need to be placed in bottle and to close densely cover then intensively to stir up 1-2 minutes (about 40-45 stirrings up-down). The painting mix in the form of foam very easily – simply with hands, of course, the protected gloves is applied. The similar way of mixing of ingredients and causing structure on hair saves from need of use of special tools – bowls and brushes. Such method of hashing of components of paint has no impact on result of coloring. Hairdressers have appreciated shaker and actively use it in work.
The interesting facts about shaker
Initially the glass-shcheyker was used by bartenders for mixing of ingredients of drinks. Its first copy has been made of pumpkin, and the mention of it is dated in the 2nd millennium B.C. In the 19th century the shakers have taken more irregular shape and consisted of two bowls, as a rule, metal and glass. And the first has been often made of gold or silver. Modern bartenders have replaced shaker with the mixer, but it all the same has not lost former popularity. The shaker has become widespread in cosmetology, the polymers which are not making negative impact on structure of means are applied to its production. Except cosmetology, shakers are widely used in cookery, sport – for preparation of special nutritious drinks and even in construction – for mixing of multicomponent types of paint.