How to eliminate puffiness century

How to eliminate puffiness century

Hypostases of upper eyelids - quite frequent picture, and can be caused this phenomenon by various reasons. The unattractive type of the swelled-up eyes especially spoils mood to women, open and serene look - health indicator, so, and beauty. Whether it is possible to get rid of this trouble?

If hypostases of eyes are not caused by serious diseases of cardiovascular system, kidneys or hormonal violations, then to change situation at least for a while quite perhaps. For a start analyze the state. Perhaps, fault to all banal konyyuktivit, allergy to cosmetics, consequences of insufficient dream or alcohol intake.

Change diet: limit amount of salt and spices which hold water in organism, be not overzealous with the liquid use. Along with it try to use national methods which for centuries proved the efficiency.

  • It is possible to eliminate hypostases of eyes by means of hot and cold compresses. Do them as follows: take two saucers in one of which pour half the warm milk diluted with water, and in another - cold tea tea leaves. The procedure is begun with warm compress. Moisten two cotton tampons in milk, put to eyes and hold thus 30 seconds. Then remove and impose two tampons moistened in tea leaves. It is necessary to hold them minute. Thus, alternating, do 5 cold and 5 hot compresses, the last cold compress needs to be held within 5 minutes.
  • Parsley has well proved in fight against hypostases of eyes. Very small cut greens of parsley are imposed on eyelids, covered with damp tampon and left for 15 minutes. It is possible to make mix of 2 parts of sour cream and 1 part of the pounded greens also. The compress is imposed for half an hour then wash away cool water.
  • Lotions from infusion of fresh leaves of birch perfectly cope with hypostases and reddenings century. For this purpose it is necessary to fill in tablespoon of leaves with glass of water and to allow to infuse 8 - 10 hours. To filter and to impose on eyelids for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Camomile inflorescences will become ambulance to tumescent and inflamed eyelids of the ambulance. It is necessary to sew 2 sacks from soft fabric, to pour into them a few inflorescences and to lower in ware with boiled water for 10 minutes. To put sacks to eyes they warm so far and to hold before cooling.
  • At fatigue and puffiness of eyes make grass of field horsetail at the rate of 2 tablespoons of grass on glass of boiled water. Boil 30 minutes, then filter and use for compresses.
  • From allergic hypostases lotions from soda solution - 1/4 h spoon of soda on half-glass of cold boiled water well help. Cotton pads moisten with this solution and maintain in the face of about 10 minutes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
