How to get rid of acne rash folk remedies

How to get rid of acne rash folk remedies

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The cosmetic industry offers the huge choice of products for treatment of acne rash. However its application not always yields positive result as it does not influence etiology. And meanwhile, it is possible to eliminate eels and by means of more available folk remedies which without harm can be applied to health both locally, and inside.

It is required to you


1. In most cases rashes on skin are connected with violation of endocrine, digestive and nervous system. Therefore in treatment of acne rash folk remedies combine local impact on skin with recovery of work of internals. And for this purpose carry out clarification of organism, eliminate deficiency of vitamins and minerals, correct food allowance (exclude fat, fried, salty, smoked, sweet and flour) and fill organism with water. At the same time correctly look after the person and apply means against eels.

2. Regularly purify skin by means of steam baths. They well soften the hardened traffic jams comedones (products of sebaceous glands) and facilitate their removal. For steam use the broths of herbs possessing anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action namely calendula, sage or needles. The same broths which are only separately prepared and cooled wash after bath and leave the person to dry out in the natural way. You carry out this procedure 10-15 minutes not less than 2 times a month.

3. For daily evening clarification of skin use the softened stale gray bread. With circular motions carefully wipe with it face then wash grass broth of calendula. Apply mix of soda, small salt and acid milk to more deep cleansing of time. This means dissolves fat and has effect of peeling. However do not apply it more than 1-2 times a month.

4. At purulent eels wipe face with aloe juice. For its preparation place the washed-out and dry-through leaves of plant for 10 days in the dark, cool place. Having crushed, filter and wipe with the received juice places of acne rashes 2-3 times a day. The mix of honey and tincture of calendula (on 1 tsp) stirred in glass of water and also infusion of sage, calendula or white lily is suitable for the same purpose. You will choose more available means or alternate a little.

5. For oily and porous skin with the inflamed eels daily do different masks: from pulp of potatoes, carrots, strawberry or raspberry. Except anti-inflammatory action they perfectly narrow pores. Green tea, lemon, mucous broth of rice and oats has the same property. Apply all masks serially as in each product there is the set of substances, useful to skin.

6. For treatment of acne rash surely use broths of herbs inside. Mix identical quantity (on weight) roots of burdock, inula, leaf of walnut and St. John's wort. Make 1 tablespoon of the received collecting by 1 glass of boiled water and within 15 minutes you cook on slow fire. Add water up to the initial volume (1 glass). Accept on 1 glass 2-3 times a day. Nettle infusion is not less useful. Fill half one-liter jar with the fresh, crushed plant leaves. Banks fill in the rest with cold, boiled water and insist within 6-8 hours. Use not less than 1 liter daily: on 200 ml in the morning till breakfast, and the remained volume during the day small drinks between meals.

7. For treatment of acne rash folk remedies do not forget about strengthening of organism by means of water procedures, moderate solar bathtubs, long walks in the fresh air, full-fledged dream and regular physical exercises.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
