Pronounced coloring of freckle is got in the period of active solstice. In the early spring their color changes, they become more noticeable. It is almost impossible to get rid of them, at most, that can be made – to clarify. Of course, modern types of cosmetology treatment are able to destroy them, but for a while, later short period they will appear again.
1. Use juice of parsley, lemon, cucumber. You apply it pointwise on freckles. If to use juice on all face, then skin peeling can appear. The Q-tip will be suitable for drawing. Moisten it in juice and wipe directly freckles.
2. You can use bleaching creams, masks and means for washing. They will a little clarify skin.
3. For washing add vinegar teaspoon on one liter of water to water. It is possible to replace vinegar with lemon juice. Such procedure will suit owners of oily skin, and here dry can begin to be shelled.
4. Do masks of curdled milk, sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. Fermented milk products perfectly bleach skin.
5. Use sunblock creams with protection level from 15 SPF in the afternoon. You apply liquid foundation and powder. These means will protect skin and will interfere with education and pigmentation of freckles.
6. Accept ascorbic acid. It regulates skin pigmentation level.
7. Freckles can be removed in beauty shop. The unsafe procedure, burns on the surface of skin, and after them and hems are quite often formed. Burn out them the laser device or carry out mechanical face peel.