How to get rid of hair forever on hands

How to get rid of hair forever on hands

Hand hair are problem of many people. It is particularly acute in the flying when the clothes with long sleeves are thrown in the most distant corners, and instead various undershirts and t-shirts get. In the flying the most part of body is open therefore people around can notice some shortcomings, in particular and the excessive number of hair on hands. To solve this problem quite easily. Everything that you need – to use the following instruction.


  1. Any way of epilation will be suitable for removal of hair on hands. It is necessary to consider that the rigid bristle on hands is quite unpleasant show. Therefore in this case it is better not to use the razor.
  2. It is possible to take away unnecessary hair by means of various creams, lotions and gels. This way is quite simple and painless. However these means can cause allergic reaction on your skin. One more lack of use of creams is that the procedure for removal of hair should be repeated several times during week as depilators do not affect follicles (roots of hair).
  3. Wax is the most effective way. The fact that as a result you do not receive ideally smooth skin is considered the main shortcoming: dense vegetation will be removed while small, imperceptible volosik will remain. Also at repeated epilation you should wait for that moment when hair grow at least up to 5 millimeters. However these shortcomings are not so essential during removal of hair on hands, the small down is quite admissible.
  4. If you use epilators, then it is all the same will not save you from hand hair forever. But hair will become much thinner and are lighter. And to use epilator on hands – quite painless occupation.
  5. The laser epilation is the best way of removal of hair on hands. This procedure allows to get rid of unnecessary vegetation for very long time, and sometimes – forever. But at the same time there is risk to get burns which can remain on skin for several months.
  6. Photoepilation – superfluous are depilated by means of special lamp. The result will be almost identical, as well as after laser epilation. Shortcoming is: morbidity of the procedure and possibility of emergence of pigmental spots on skin.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
