The woman has to be beautiful in everything. There are no trifles in such business. And absolutely inappropriate in this light the so-called second chin looks. There is set of ways to improve the line of chin, up to plastic surgery. But let's not resort to so drastic remedies, and we will try to cope by own efforts.
- You lay down on back, and you hold the head suspended. Now raise it so that it became visible to you your feet. Return to starting position. Make 20 such approaches. Remember that it is better not to carry out this exercise if you have problems with vessels and, especially, with backbone. If you have no such problems, then this exercise can help you with fight against the second chin not bad. The effect of exercise will be visible at once.
- Sit down in front of the mirror and lean elbows on table. Touch by chin fingers. Close teeth, at the same time push chin forward and raise. Fingers make the patting movements on chin. Make 30 cottons. Exercise needs to be done daily and several times. It will not give such fast effect as previous, but as a result this effect will be more noticeable and long.
- Mass chin honey. You do not carry out this procedure at all if you have allergy to honey. If there are no contraindications, this means will help you to pull and to perfectly moisturize the skin.
- Apply to the second chin bandages with lemon juice. That to prepare them, put gauze strip several times, it moisten the middle in lemon juice and tie on the second chin, on that place where he most strongly acts. After that smear skin with nutritious fat cream, then moisten this gauze with cold water and again tie. Repeat the procedure every day.
- Allocate five minutes a day for performance of gymnastics which is done by models. For this purpose take the book and put it on the head, and then you pace about the room, trying to hold and not to drop, without holding with hands. Exercise will help not only to take away the second chin, but also remarkably influences your bearing and gait.
- Do exercise which is called Giraffe. For this purpose get up directly, straighten back. Put hands on shoulders and pull neck up, pressing at the same time on shoulders. Repeat exercise daily and several times.