How to get rid of wrinkle on nose bridge

How to get rid of wrinkle on nose bridge

Beauty Hits: 165

Each woman wants to look beautifully and young and that her skin was elastic and young at any age. It is considered that wrinkles on nose bridge arise at those who like to pokhmuritsya. If you have noticed unnecessary wrinkle between eyebrows, then begin fight against it …

1. Already from 20-year age it is necessary to begin to look after carefully face skin, to constantly moisten it to prevent appearance of wrinkles. And the earliest wrinkles develop just on nose bridge. How to begin to struggle with them? At once understand for yourself that fight against aging is the integrated approach including the correct cosmetic leaving, the balanced food, walks in the fresh air, sports activities.

2. Daily do gymnastics for the person. The following exercises will help to get rid of wrinkles on nose bridge to you effectively: - Put middle fingers on both sides of nose bridge. Strong press them. Then touch by ring fingers upper part of nose bridge under that place where folds and wrinkles are already formed. Begin to move muscles which are under your fingers. Be late into ten accounts. Then slowly come back to starting position. - Lying on bed, squeeze eyelids for 7-8 seconds, on superciliary arches put forefingers, open eyes more widely, be late for 10 seconds. Repeat exercise of 20 times. It is better to do this exercise since morning, right after dream.

3. To get rid of mimic wrinkles, it is necessary to learn to control the person. You will be helped by will, ability to own with itself, self-discipline. You look at the reflection in mirror as often as possible. Try not to wrinkle nose and not to frown in various situations. Face muscles have to be constantly relaxed.

4. Moistening cream and mask are the best assistants in fight against wrinkles on nose bridge. But it is not obligatory to buy in boutiques expensive cream liftings at all. Buy in drugstore of the Aloe Vera, Vitamin E. Oily solutions very effectively delete wrinkles. As folk remedy serve couple of drops of olive or vegetable oil. You apply small amount of medicines on affected area of the skin in the morning and in the evening. And already soon you will see good result.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
