How to grow hair to belt

How to grow hair to belt

In year the hair grow on 10-20 centimeters. I.e. to grow braid to belt, several years will be required. Of course, a lot of things depend on your features. For example, from growth, length of hair at the moment. If not to look after curls, then their growth slows down. If to treat them with care, then they grow a little quicker.

It is required to you

  • - healthy nutrition;
  • - vitamins;
  • - brush with natural bristle;
  • - beer;
  • - table salt;
  • - chili powder;
  • - onions;
  • - honey;
  • - egg yolk;
  • - vinegar;
  • - water;
  • - lemon;
  • - bran;
  • - kefir;
  • - olive oil;
  • - blue clay;
  • - dry mustard;
  • - medical broth.


  1. Length and density of hair depend on what you eat. If you constantly apply rigid diets, then curls will hardly please you with the rapid growth. The organism receives less all useful substances. Eat vegetables and fruit (their volume from all diet has to be 50-60%). It is also quite good to include the couched grains of sunflower, wheat, peas in the menu. Daily the organism has to receive the products supporting squirrels in large number. This meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts.
  2. Surely accept vitamins. Copper, selenium, silicon, zinc, sulfur are necessary for organism. One of the major vitamins is vitamin B, it contributes to growth and the development.
  3. Several times a day comb hair brush with natural bristle, pay special attention them to roots. The procedure has to last several minutes. Such massage will improve blood circulation, will remove dirt and dust from curls.
  4. During washing apply to head skin a little beer and small table salt. It is possible to add to mix slightly some chili powder to achieve the warming effect. Smooth movements rub this mask in roots. Daily in the evening after combing mass head skin of 10-15 minutes.
  5. Do house masks of natural products. Mix the crushed onions, honey and egg yolk and apply mask on roots of hair for 15-30 minutes. Then carefully wash out the head and rinse mix of vinegar, lemon juice and water (1 tsp of the concentrated vinegar, juice of half of lemon, water liter), it will save you from unpleasant aroma.
  6. Take 20 grams of bran, fill in with glass of kefir and add one tablespoon of olive oil. Too it is necessary to hold this mask from 15 to 30 minutes. Mix blue clay, honey, olive oil, lemon juice and dry mustard in equal quantities, add one yolk and carefully mix everything. You hold this mask 1-2 hours.
  7. After washing of hair apply grass broths. For their preparation use camomile, hop, oak bark, calendula, burdock root, nettle. Add 4 tablespoons of raw materials to liter of hot water and boil 5 minutes. When broth cools down, filter it and the received liquid rinse hair.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
