Long, beautiful, well-groomed hair – dream of many women. But not all were allocated, unfortunately, by the nature with such magnificent hair. Most of women only dream of magnificent head of hear. And with length of hair the situation is not better. In year it is possible to grow some centimeters, about 2-3. It, of course, is insignificant a little. And if hair are weakened, then it is not possible to grow the necessary length at all. Much should be content with short hairstyles, without changing at the same time dream of long hair.
However, not all know that to grow hair and make them strong everyone can. The main thing to know several secrets and to use them regularly. So, as you have already understood, only healthy hair well grow therefore the majority of actions will be directed to strengthening, restoration and maintenance of health of hair. Of course, diseases, then can be the reasons of bad condition of head of hear before using external procedures, it is worth taking care of internal state of organism and to receive medical treatment. If you have no latent diseases, then to help accelerate growth of hair the following councils can.
First, not to spoil hair, it is worth using the hair dryer, as seldom as possible. You are surprised, but, the hair dryer most of all spoils hair. During drying by means of high temperatures, there is hair peresushivaniye because of what it becomes fragile. Therefore if you have no need somewhere hastily to go, then put the hair dryer aside and let's hair dry naturally.
Secondly, the huge value has type of shampoo which you use. All hair preparations need to be selected in accurate compliance with their type. If your hair dry, choose dry hair shampoo if fat – for fat. You should not take the means intended for all types. Their use can become, at least, inefficient. Avoid also shampoos with silicone content. Usually these means intend for volume. Know that silicone interferes with natural air exchange of hair. Thirdly, it is necessary to pay attention to tips of hair. If the last strongly obsechena, them it is worth shearing every two months if they are in the normal state, it is possible to carry out this procedure only two-three times a year. So in year length of your hair will be longer.
Fourthly, take for the rule never to comb wet hair. Otherwise you strongly injure them. It is necessary to brush the hair twice a day with dry hairbrush. In order that hair were less injured when combing, choose hairbrush with rare cloves. Fifthly, it is very good if 1-2 times a day you mass head skin. It is recommended to carry out massage also before washing of hair. Massage stimulates inflow of blood to the head that stimulates growth of hair. Sixthly, excellent means for growth of hair is burdock oil. Easy massage movements rub oil in roots of hair. Then leave for half an hour and wash away carefully warm water. Time should be done such masks of burdock oil in week within year. Do not forget that hair need also vitamins. Therefore it is better to eat useful products with high content of calcium, vitamins of group A and B. It is also possible to find special vitamin complexes for hair in drugstores. Apparently, secrets for acceleration of growth of hair, it is not enough and all of them are simple and available. Therefore you without effort will be able to put them into practice. If you regularly care for hair, then will be able quickly to grow them and also to present them health and beauty.