Hair grow on average on 1 cm a month, can reach the maximum length of 70 cm, live from 3 to 6 years. In spite of the fact that natural data can be different, there are ways which allow to accelerate growth of hair and to improve their quality.
In addition to genetic conditions, the hair loss and their weakness are connected also with other factors. The most widespread of them are: bad food, inadequate leaving, bad comprehensibility of microelements, stress, hormonal changes, reaction to certain drugs, skin and hair diseases, pulling of hair of hard elastic bands and even too rare hairstyle of tips in hairdressing salon.
Growth of hair can be accelerated, even at not the most successful natural data. Burdock oil, vitamins of group B and mesotherapy help with achievement of dream of healthy and thick hair.
Means from drugstore
Pharmaceutical vitamins for growth of hair - way to force hair grow quicker, they are often criticized, generally because of their high price and possible allergic reactions. They actually supplement the vitamins and microelements which are absent in diet therefore they can become rescue for that who have no time or desires are healthy food. There are pharmaceutical shampoos and ampoules which should be used for simultaneous impact on hair from within and outside.
Folk remedies
If you prefer folk remedies, then it is useful to know that drink from usual yeast will promote growth of hair, to strengthening of nails and at the same time will improve condition of skin. One and a half cubes of yeast need to be crushed and put in mug, then to fill in with glass of boiled water, to stir everything before dissolution and to drink when it cools down.
One of the few effective "mechanical" methods of growth of hair is the mesotherapy of head skin which can be seen off in beauty shops or at the dermatologist. The method consists in skin piercing by the microneedles located on rollers which mass the head and then rub in serum. The mesotherapy considerably improves blood circulation and allows to get quicker to active agents into bulbs.
Darsenvalization of head skin
The device Darsonvalya can be found as in offices of cosmetologists, and to get for house use. It costs not much, and will serve long. The method at baldness on certain sites at violation of passability of vessels is especially effective. Hair will begin not only grow quicker, but also because of awakening of the sleeping hair bulbs, will become thick.
Diet for growth of hair
The amount of iron in diet has great influence on condition of hair. Men have to consume 8 mg of iron a day and 18 mg for women. Women have recommended quantity it is more because of loss of iron with blood during periods. Iron contains in bean, meat, dried fruits and dairy products. Its bioavailability can be increased at consumption of the products rich with vitamin C. Growth of hair is also influenced by consumption of vitamins of group B (salmon, eggs, dairy products) and zinc (grain, seeds, cocoa, yellow cheese).