Beautiful healthy hair – dream of any girl. But, unfortunately, from influence of shampoos, laying means with aggressive structure and uses of the hair dryer they can lose gloss and begin to break. In order that the hairstyle kept presentable look, it is necessary to look after hair correctly.
It is required to you
- The soft shampoo moisturizing balm, nutritious mask for hair, thermoprotective spray, spray for easy combing of hair, complex of vitamins.
- First of all you need to pick up the soft shampoo and balm suitable for your type of hair. If they at you dry, the special moisturizing shampoo is necessary for you. For oily skin of the head there are seboreguliruyushchy (reducing fat content) shampoos. The hair of the mixed type fat at roots and dry on tips, demand special leaving. You can use seboreguliruyushchy shampoo for roots, and to apply moistening to tips.
- Do not forget to use hair balm after washing of the head, apply it on tips of hair and take several minutes. The land at you hair, the above on growth length you can apply balm.
- Regularly use masks for hair. Now on sale the impressive range of means for hair care is provided, many of them are declared as multipurpose. Choosing mask, you remember that its main objective – food of hair. Using mask 2-3 times a week, in several months you will see notable result – the fragility and dryness of hair considerably will decrease.
- Try to use less the hair dryer, its aggressive influence dries hair, they will become fragile sooner or later. If you cannot refuse laying about phenom, use special thermoprotective sprays, they envelop hair and protect it from influence of hot air.
- Application of means of indelible leaving can significantly improve quality of hair. Such means can have various functions: thermoprotective, sun-protection, moistening, etc. If tips of your hair very dry also sputyvatsya strongly, surely apply spray to easy combing, it will prevent their fragility.
- Unfortunately, the correct hair care not always is sufficient. In order that hair grew quicker and were healthier, the healthy balanced nutrition and vitamins is necessary. Include olive oil, seafood in the diet and also eat more food, rich with calcium: dairy products, spinach, broccoli. You can also buy in drugstore special complex of vitamins for growth of hair.