How to increase hair independently

How to increase hair independently

The nature has allocated not all women with magnificent long hair. Thanks to the latest technologies impossible has become possible. Today it is possible to increase hair and to receive smart head of hear. And it is real to make it not only in beauty shop, but also at home.


  1. Find the skilled and qualified master in hair extension who has well proved in this sphere. Ask it to train for certain payment and you in this craft. There will be enough several lessons. If it was not succeeded to find the person for trial occupations, buy dummy with hair. As there are many technologies of building (hot and cold), discuss in advance with the hairdresser what of them you wish to master.
  2. Is a little more expensive, than individual lessons of the master, will cost you professional courses on hair extension. If financial opportunities allow, in parallel study also hairdresser's art. Get acquainted with all types of building and choose optimal variant for yourself. Learn how to look after artificial locks. The combination of the theory and practice will yield good result and you will manage to avoid many mistakes in the future.
  3. Become guinea pig. For this purpose look on the websites or learn from acquaintances where models on which the beginning experts practice are required. Ring round beauty shops, hairdressing salons, training courses. First, you should not pay for training, and secondly, you will be able to see with own eyes how there is this procedure, and will be able to perform all operations.
  4. Try to increase hair independently, without the assistance of experts. However, here you will hardly avoid mistakes. For a start in professional shops for hairdressers buy natural or artificial locks and additional materials (metal beads, adhesive tapes, etc.).
  5. Find video lessons which will be for you bright example in the Internet. Do not forget about possible risk as incorrectly carried out procedure can end with baldness. Therefore nevertheless it is better to train on dummy. Having learned to increase hair to itself, and having well mastered this art, offer similar service to the relatives or friends. The more practicians, the there is more experience and potential clients. Perhaps, in the future it will become your main occupation which will bring you considerable income.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
