How to increase nails

How to increase nails

It is possible to increase nails in various ways: on the lower forms, on upper forms, gel or acrylic. The most widespread way of building - building by gel. So, how to increase nails?

It is required to you

  • nail files of various rigidity,
  • primer,
  • forms,
  • sculptural gel,
  • color gel or acrylic paints,
  • the fixing gel,
  • liquid for removal of sticky layer,
  • crystals, spangles, foil, balls, stickers, ultra-violet lamp.


  1. First of all it is necessary to degrease hands. Then by means of nail file for natural nails remove thin upper brilliant layer from nail plate. It is necessary to improve adhesion (coupling) of material with nail. Further apply with thin layer on own nail primer. It is necessary also for improvement of adhesion.
  2. The second step put on on fingers special uniforms for building. They can be met from various materials. Happen both metal, and paper. Forms from metal will serve much longer, but their use demands certain skills. Fix forms on finger so that they smoothly continued own nail.
  3. Then lay out the first layer of sculptural gel. Try to do it as it is possible more thinly. He gives all the best over natural nail and over form at necessary length. Dry under ultra-violet lamp within two minutes. If this layer has turned out not even, then its surface needs to be leveled by means of nail file for artificial nails. Besides, it is very important to give at this stage to nails the desirable form.
  4. After that put the second layer, or execute design color gels or acrylic paints. Dry under lamp one minute. Apply the fixing gel. Dry also one minute. Remove with special liquid sticky upper layer.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
