How to level foretooth

How to level foretooth

teeth spoil all impression of appearance and can even make old visually the owner for several years. It is good that it is possible to level foretooth at any age. It is necessary to treat this question only seriously.

To become the owner of faultless smile, it is worth undertaking prevention measures. Very often children and teenagers do not want to brush teeth, to go to the stomatologist or to carry plate. The similar obstinacy can lead to problems with bite and jaw at mature age.

Do everything in time

It is the simplest to level teeth in house conditions in the childhood. The adult will hardly want to decorate the smile with briquettes. Parents need to watch closely when from under milk teeth radical begin to be cut through. Often happens so that the first do not manage to drop out, and the second because of it grow at curves. Generally it happens to chewing teeth and cutters. That it has not occurred, it is required to delete milk teeth as soon as they begin to be unsteady.

What briquettes to choose

At insufficient prevention of curvature in the childhood orthodontic brackets – briquettes will help to level foretooth and bite. They are more effective than plate which is easy for removing, losing or breaking and which is not put on one tooth. Briquettes on average carry of year to three, without removing. In the course of carrying it is necessary to visit the stomatologist that the expert tightened up brackets, directing the bent tooth in the necessary direction. The briquettes helping to level teeth in house conditions at any age make of ceramics, artificial sapphire, plastic and metal. Each material has the advantages and shortcomings. More fragile plastic is applied to small children. Sapphire interferes with congestion of raid and reproduction of microbes. The ceramics masks under color of enamel. Metal is most demanded because of availability and low price, but can irritate gums.

How to do without briquettes

Mothers of preschool children often are interested how to level teeth without briquettes. For little patients the dentists offer the removable caps or plates intended for weak and rare teeth of small children. Caps represent transparent inserts from the polymers repeating contours of jaws and the sky. The plate is removed for the night and the gum does not irritate. To make caps it is necessary to make tooth mold, previously having executed the picture of jaw. Children's plates are made of silicone and equip with the extending arch leveling teeth without direct contact with them. For adults at whom teeth have already become stronger the caps will be useless as they do not level teeth, and only for a while fix them in the necessary situation. Therefore mature people will not manage to level teeth without briquettes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
