How to lose weight on buckwheat

How to lose weight on buckwheat

harmonious and tightened figure – dream of many people. Therefore it is absolutely no wonder that the number of diets and power supply systems grows every day. If to judge by responses growing thin, one of the most effective is the buckwheat diet.


  1. Buckwheat diet at many people who aim to get rid of the excess weight very famous. Variations of this method of weight loss weight, but is two most effective options. The first – buckwheat diet with kefir. It is difficult to adhere to it, but it actually works. The second option - buckwheat diet with dried fruits. To observe it a little more simply, and effect not less pleasant. Therefore people who are going to throw off extra kilos by means of buckwheat can choose the diet option suitable them.
  2. So, the first option of buckwheat diet is buckwheat with kefir. Grain is cooked as follows. It is necessary to take 250 grams of buckwheat and to fill in it 500 ml of boiled water. It is recommended to place all this in thermos, so grain will better infuse. It is necessary to cook buckwheat for the night, by the morning it is possible to eat. This portion needs to be divided for the whole day, to add salt to buckwheat, sauce or seasonings are impossible. At such diet it is authorized to drink kefir with the minimum percent of fat content, to 1 liter a day. It can both be mixed with buckwheat, and to use separately. During observance of buckwheat diet it is recommended to hold the last meal in 4 hours prior to dream. If the person has strong feeling of hunger, then it is possible to drink half-glass of kefir. At buckwheat diet the use of water and green tea, naturally, without addition of milk, honey and sugar is authorized. You should not have black tea and coffee in the course of weight loss. Those people, it is very difficult to them to exclude sweet from diet, should give preference to buckwheat diet with dried fruits.
  3. Due to addition in diet of natural sugar, the diet with dried fruits is transferred by organism easier. The truth result will be not such huge as in the first option, but growing thin has no feeling of weakness, drowsiness and irritability as at its menu there is sugar. For buckwheat diet with dried fruits of croup prepares as well as in the first option, but now instead of kefir buckwheat can be diversified with raisin, dried apricots or prunes. At observance of such diet it is important not to go too far in dried fruits. It is necessary to remember that basis of diet is buckwheat, and dried fruits - only pleasant addition. It is recommended to use no more than 8-10 berries a day. They can be used separately or to add to buckwheat.
  4. The buckwheat diet is considered very rigid monodiet. It renders severe stress on organism. Therefore in the course of weight reduction growing thin has to watch closely health. If there are indispositions, feeling of depression, dizziness, it is necessary to leave diet. The term of 3-4 days is considered optimum time of observance of buckwheat diet, some sit on it and more than 2 weeks, but such people should undergo inspection at the doctor and to consult as far as it is safe.
  5. To leave buckwheat diet and at the same time not to affect the health, not to gain back kilograms, it is necessary to work very slowly. To expand diet gradually. At first the main product in the menu it is necessary to leave buckwheat, having added to it whites and slightly sugar. As sweet it is possible to use honey, having added it, for example, to tea. From proteinaceous food it is recommended to give preference to the eggs hard-boiled. They contain minimum of fat and are easily acquired by organism. Then fruit, vegetables, meat of low-fat grades and other products are entered into the menu. At the same time it is necessary to watch how the GIT reacts to the forgotten products. If there are indispositions, it is obligatory to see doctor.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
