Two hundred-three hundred flyings ago women tried to make in any ways the skin white. They did not appear in the sun, did not sleep at night to achieve aristocratic pallor. Drank vinegar, lemon juice, used the powder consisting of lead. Of course, all this disgustingly affected their health. Now the pallor of the person has again become fashionable and it can achieve, without exhausting the organism, and without harm for skin.
How to make face skin pale in house conditions
There are several effective options:
- Avoid sunshine. If you want to achieve pallor, solar bathtubs to anything. You apply cream from suntan, cover face with clothes and head by attires — do everything that the sun has not got you.
- This budgetary, but very effective remedy. Juice of lemon can be added to cream, lotion or just to water and to put on face. And in week the result will be noticeable.
- Crude potatoes. It is necessary to grate it, having turned into gruel and to add couple of drops of juice of lemon. To put all this on face, to allow to dry, and then to wash away.
- Soda bathtubs too very effective. To use once a week. Recipe: to add 4 tablespoons of soda and result to water will not keep waiting long.
- Oat flakes are famous for the bleaching effect long ago. They need to be crushed, added warm water and to put on face. Besides, it is excellent natural srub.
- Of course, it is worth to remember about clothes and hair color. The more dark shades on you, the skin seems more faintly. It concerns also make-up — dark saturated color of lips, light foundation, pink or peach color is ruddy — such contrast course will help to create effect of milk skin.
- You should not forget that pale skin has to be without defects therefore if there are pimples, peelings, reddenings — you should not expect effect of porcelain skin.
- Milk pans — improbable means for pallor. Add to bathtub two liters of milk, several drops of lemon — effect tremendous.
- Wiping face with parsley decoction, it is possible not only to get rid of pimples and reddenings, but also it is exciting to bleach face. It is enough to fill in with boiled water parsley, to allow to infuse and then to wipe with cotton pad face.
All this the most effective ways which will help to give to your skin milk color. Having chosen one of methods, you will be able not only to achieve the shining pallor, but also to give to the face healthy look.