Each woman dreams of that she had beautiful thick and shiny hairs, but not everyone has been given it by nature. Besides, the modern ecology does not add to health hair too. Therefore the modern woman should show consideration for the curls to help them to look beautiful and well-groomed.
- For a start decide on your type of hair. It is simple to make it: dry hair are confused when combing and split on the ends, but their owner can long not worry about purity of the curls. Oily hair already in a day or two becomes untidy and gains characteristic gloss. Girls with long hair most often have the mixed type of hair. At roots such hair quickly become oily, and here tips dim and split. Normal hair perfectly glint in the sun, do not demand frequent washing and the additional moistening procedures and meet, unfortunately, seldom.
- Correctly choose shampoos and conditioners, making a start from your type hair. It is the best of all to take shampoo liquid and transparent – it will not contain additional dyes. When choosing balm or conditioner, pay attention to structure: preference should be given to that means where more natural components contain. And here it is not necessary to take you the shampoo suitable any type of hair better.
- Do not shun to use grandmother's recipes. For example, if you want to add to hair gloss, rinse them beer. Such recipe will be suitable for adherents of sober way of life: on liter of boiled water add tablespoon of lemon juice. Fine hair can be strengthened washing by acid milk. And indulge oily hair with nettle broth (add two tablespoons of broth of camomile to liter of broth of nettle).
- You watch food. The dental health, skin, hair, the general condition of organism – all this in many respects depends on the food eaten by you. For strengthening of hair use more seafood, nuts, greens, eggs, cabbage. These products contain vitamin A, B6 and zinc which are necessary in order that hair were thick and brilliant.
- Care for your hair. Time in one-two months remove the whipped tips, do not use too often the hair dryer, allow hair though sometimes to have a rest from varnishes and mousses. Your curls will surely thank you the beautiful view.