Women of different age quite often aim to make hair thick and thick in house conditions, having brought thereby considerable improvements in the appearance. There are many folk remedies and the recipes allowing to achieve quickly the desirable.
- You can make hair thick and thick in house conditions by means of healthy and useful food. The noticeable effect of volume to hair is given by boiled beef, fish, nuts and also citrus. These products contain the most powerful complex of the vitamins strengthening head of hear. In addition accept one of vitamin and mineral complexes, for example, of Vit Sharm, Nutrikap or Revalid.
- Massage of head skin helps to increase density of hair. It is necessary to carry out it not only during washing of hair, but also in usual time daily, not less than two times. Finger-tips remove hair at roots and carry out stroking, tapping and circular motions. For strengthening of effect it is possible to dunk fingers into cedar oil.
- Wash hair correctly to make them dense and thick. It is better to do it in process of their pollution as well-groomed hair always find force, the volume and beautiful gloss. It is necessary to rinse them not hot, but warm or even cool water – it helps to reduce work of sebaceous glands. The density of head of hear is promoted by soft water therefore it is possible to use not water, but boiled, with addition of baking soda (teaspoon on one liter).
- Use special mixes for washing of the head. For example, add on one tablespoon of mustard on two glasses of water. Also help to make hair thick and thick in house conditions infusions of officinal herbs: camomile, St. John's wort, sage, nettle. Fill in three glasses of the crushed leaves and stalks of plant with three liters of boiled water and insist 20 minutes. Rinse with the filtered warm infusion clean hair. Dry herbs decoction is prepared so. Fill in 3 tablespoons of grass with 3 glasses of abrupt boiled water, leave on weak fire for 30-40 minutes. Filter, cool and use for designated purpose.
- Between sessions of washing of the head use the stimulating nutritious masks. In glass with kefir stir two eggs with two teaspoons of cocoa powder. Divide the received weight into several parts and in turn (in process of drying) you apply everyone on roots of hair. Put on the warming scarf the head and you hold 20-25 minutes, then wash up warm water with shampoo. Repeat three times a week within 2-3 months.