Spangles are often used in festive make-up. They help to make eyes and lips more expressive and bright. It is necessary to put spangles was able, they can not only decorate image, but also spoil it.
How to carry out make-up with spangles?
Spangles give to make-up of note of charm, refinement, refinement. Remember that various types of spangles apply on different parts of the face. So, very small spangles can be applied on cheekbones. By means of them you will create effect of blinking of skin. The same spangles can be used on temples and under eyebrows. If you want to enhance shimmering effect, put spangles and on eyebrow. You do not apply spangle on the T-zone as it will create effect of greasy luster on face.
It is possible to decorate with larger spangles eyelids. In order that jewelry kept, impose them on powder. If you cause very large number of spangles, use special gel for their fixing better. Remember that spangles best of all look at external corner of eye. Though for festive carnival you can put spangles on all mobile eyelid. Put spangles under eyebrows and shade them that they lay not too dense layer. Try to carry out make-up of eyes so that clear boundary was not visible. Especially it is relevant when using spangles with shadows. In the beginning you apply on shadow eyelids, and on them already impose spangles.
The make-up of eyes will turn out very expressive if you mix spangles of several flowers. Shades of spangles at the same time have to be in one color scale. For example, mix blue and green spangles, pink and violet and so on. In make-up of eyes such combinations of flowers as gold and blue, silver and blue, silver and violet very beautifully look. For drawing spangles use special brush. Before dipping brush into spangles, moisten it with water a little. So, on cyst there will be more spangles. Before drawing spangles on lips, previously cover them with colourless hygienic lipstick. In this case color of spangles can be any. If you apply spangles on color lipstick, their color has to be silver or gold. Red and pink spangles will look not too expressively on bright lipstick.
Rules of use of spangles
In the afternoon spangles in make-up are not appropriate. Can be only in very insignificant quantities. The point of use of spangles is in that they beautifully flickered at evening lighting. The effect is gained just tremendous. Spangles are simply created for noisy parties and carnivals. Use them when you go to club, to bar or to disco. Choose color of spangles depending on shade of eyes and shadows. Before drawing spangles clean face skin and apply on it foundation. During creation of evening make-up emphasize by means of spangles something one: eyes, lips or cheekbones. If you put spangles on all face, it will look tastelessly. Use the special gel which is on sale in shops with cosmetics for fixing of spangles. Of course, it is possible to impose spangles on vaseline, very fat cream or even on hygienic lipstick. Remove spangles special gel. For the same purpose you can use olive or vegetable oil. Make-up remover milk will only smear spangles on the person.