As a rule, all brides first of all care for the choice of dress, wedding accessories. Besides, most of them is busy with calculation of guests and mailing of invitations, wedding banquet and other efforts. And here the few think of wedding make-up, and it is absolutely vain
- Choosing the main color scale, consider that the wedding make-up has to be lung and emphasize tenderness and natural beauty, however not to look too pale, you need to make it rather expressive. Optimal solution – average option between evening and day make-up. Besides, yours meyk-ap has to be rather firm and correspond to wedding dress and its style.
- Before doing make-up, wipe face skin with tonic and apply cream with the matting effect. Further, to give to the freshness face, it is necessary to apply foundation (it has to be in tone of skin or is a little lighter). If on celebration you are dressed in dress with deep decollete, then it is necessary to apply the tinting means also on neck and on shoulders. After that by means of big brush apply the friable powder which is picked up in tone to the person to skin.
- For make-up of eyes it is worth giving preference to shadows of gentle shades which color you need to pick up it is dependent on type of appearance and color of dress. Their texture has to be opaque as brilliant shadows can give reflections in photos and visually do skin of fatter. If you are going to emphasize section of eyes with shooters, use eyeliner or pencil in brown or dark gray scale.
- To give to eyes clarity and to remove redness, it is worth tinting internal corners of eyes by means of white pencil. After you make up eyes, apply on upper eyelashes layer of waterproof ink black or if you have fair hair, brown color. When ink dries, put one more layer and comb eyelashes.
- For make-up of lips the most optimal solution will be if you pick up lipstick, which color close to natural color of your lips. However also other options are possible. So, for example, if you are burning brunette, then you will suit lipstick of scarlet or bright red color if the blonde – lipsticks of gentle light shades and if your fair hair – you can make up lips lipstick of the natural muffled shades.
- That lips were the most attractive, in the beginning circle their contour by means of pencil, make up lipstick then it is necessary to blot them with napkin and for the second time to make up lipstick.