How to overcome stagnation in weight loss.

How to overcome stagnation in weight loss.

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Everyone who at least once seriously tried to lose weight faced such effect as stagnation. It when, it seems, both food is balanced, and physical activity adequate, but weight does not leave any more, or decreases very little. Why it occurs and how to fight against the dietary plateau? Let's try to deal with this effect.

In the course of weight loss by the most productive there are first 2-4 weeks, especially if your weight was much higher than norm. Why? Here everything is simple – due to reduction of consumption of salt and sugar the organism first of all gets rid of excess of liquid and of so-called fresh fat. That is from what you have quite recently got on the waist.

And here you have noticed that weight has ceased to leave, and your optimism begins to die away. Quite often at this stage many feel disappointment and refuse further attempts to lose weight. You should not do it!

Similar stagnation arises only because that the organism adapted to your new way of life and has ceased, having stress, to leave fat savings which were postponed for case of the global hunger.

The effect of the plateau can be considered indicator that your weight was stabilized and any more there is no danger again to gather extra kilos. But it of course if you do not lean on high-calorific products, jamming your grief from the fact that you grow thin not so quickly as it would be desirable.

How to break this barrier to continue to get rid of extra kilos?

You need to unsettle the organism that it was stirred up and has continued to spend the stocks postponed for rainy day as energy. What for this purpose is necessary?

Try to arrange yourself and it holiday, having increased the daily caloric content of diet by 300-500 calories. Thereby you signal the organism that there are no reasons to store fat stock, and power starvation does not threaten it.

Other way – to arrange fasting day, having reduced caloric content to half of your usual diet. But practice similar shake-up only if you have no problems with health, and next day surely come back to usual diet.

If you practice physical exercises, then it is worth revising the plan of trainings. Perhaps, it should be added new exercises, to try some other type of loading. That is, if you practiced run, then it is possible to replace its driving the bicycle. If were engaged on exercise machines, then it is worth trying exercises with burdenings. Here variations are limited only to your imagination.

Also you remember that such stagnation can be everyday occurrence. You should not despair and throw everything because of it. The effect of the plateau is one of weight loss process development options. But if it has negative effect on your motivation, then it is worth using above-mentioned ways.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
