After coloring of hair it is very difficult to return to black color to them former shade. It is necessary to apply various clarifiers or removers. The most sparing option for hair is to recolour them in brown color.
- Qualitatively will help to recolour hair from black in brown to you in good salon. There the master will pick up to you ideal option of remover and will at once offer paint which will level color and will not damage structure of hair.
- If you have decided to perform this procedure independently, then prepare the decolouring means. It can be clarifier which will make your hair 3-4 tones lighter. Buy also brown paint which you will apply on hair.
- Before application of these means hold testing for allergy. Slightly grease with structure wrist and wait for minutes forty. If skin has not reddened, then can start decolorization.
- Put on gloves, cover shoulders with towel and dissolve clarifier. Accurately you apply with brush paint on locks, shifting painted in other party. You discipline on time, designated on packing. After that accurately wash away structure under flowing water. You watch that means has not got into eyes. At hit at once wash them with cold water.
- After clarification apply special balm or mask on hair. Sustain 3-5 minutes and wash away. Dry hair. Keep in mind that color will turn out uneven. Near roots the hair will be a little lighter, than the ends.
- Now you pass to coloring into brown color. Part structure according to the instruction and apply on hair. At first coat lighter roots. Sustain ten minutes, and then apply paint on the rest. Comb hairbrush with rare teeths, distributing dye evenly, and leave for 20-25 minutes. Hold time depends on rigidity of hair and color which has turned out at clarification.
- After that carefully wash out hair, again apply balm for hair recovery, wash away and dry up the head.
- Keep in mind that such coloring renders not absolutely positive impact on your hair. Therefore apply various nutritious masks. Periodically rub medical oils in hair or you apply balms.