How to reduce scar

How to reduce scar

The injured cells of skin or internals are always substituted with connecting fabric. On the surface of skin it looks in the form of common scar or hem. Will get rid completely of course of scars and hems it will be difficult, and here to reduce them and to make less noticeable quite really.


1. In most cases scars remain at the wrong care for wound. Therefore when processing fresh scars surely carry out good preprocessing. For this purpose use hydrogen peroxide (well cleans wounds from foreign particles, dirt, impurity and also decreases pathogenic microbes), alcohol, vodka, iodine, diamond greens – everything that is near at hand. And then start treatment of scar.

2. Buy in drugstore antibacterial ointments which promote healing and reduction of the sizes of hems and scars, for example such as: contractubex, dermatix, solkoserit, methyluracil, etc. But keep in mind that the effect will be better if you use wound healing ointments on fresh scars. Do not apply independently any ointments, consult with the doctor as at the wrong application, you can aggravate state.

3. Use special silicone plates mepiform which promote reduction of formation of cicatricial fabric. Now they are widespread and represent plaster with gel. Apply plaster on scar, and sustain time specified in instructions.

4. To reduce the size of old scars and hems, use vitamin E. Daily grease scar within month, and you will notice how it considerably will decrease in the sizes. Vitamin E also promotes fast healing of wound and reduces the size of hem which has appeared after healing.

5. If means allow, try to reduce scar by professional methods, for example laser therapy. Within the first two weeks the tumor and redness on the place of scar can be formed, and in consequence from it there will be small darkish spot.

6. Use dogrose oil which possesses the strong regenerating action and will help you to reduce the scar sizes.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
