age the woman begins to radiate unique charm and charm. In her both experience of youth, and maturity are inexplicably combined. To remain the lady, it is necessary to look forward and find with pleasure beauty in each lived day.
- You look forward with optimism. The active and purposeful lady of mature age is always attractive. Besides in 40 years the life can turn and dig out new, perhaps, even star stage and in private life, and in career. Such spirit is very important since it will open for you new opportunities for planning of the time in the necessary key.
- Protect yourself from communication with sad friends coevals who are firmly sure that all the best in their life has already come true. Their pessimism can be infectious. Communicate with those people who accept life in all its variety and optimistically look at any changes.
- Surely you watch duration of night sleep. Try to fall asleep till midnight and to have a rest not less than 8 hours. If you cannot fall asleep, accept the most plain and effective sleeping pill - glass of milk with honey. Have whenever possible a rest in the afternoon.
- Keep sportswear. It can be everything that is pleasant to you: dances, fitness, power gymnastics, swimming, etc. Find time for occupations yoga. Always and everywhere feel tightened and elegant, you watch bearing.
- Reconsider the food allowance. Use more fresh vegetables, fruit. They contain large amount of antioxidants which watch elasticity of skin, load all organism with energy of life and give good mood. Include in diet fresh juices, vitamin drinks from herbs. Drink more clear water.
- Surely look narrowly at the dishes containing nuts and bean. They perfectly feed body, strengthen immunity, promote maintenance of beauty of hair and nails. The products containing calcium are vital for protection against osteoporosis.
- Refuse too fat meat and fish, but at the same time regularly use the natural not refined vegetable oils (olive, sunflower). They contain necessary substances which rejuvenate all organism and promote splitting of cholesteric deposits.
- Pick up the special cosmetics corresponding to your age requirements. So you will provide necessary food to cages of your organism and will be able to look still perfectly long time.
- Create individual image. The elegant style in clothes will only emphasize refinement of your manners, and the color scale which with taste is picked up without the shouting combinations and original accessories are capable to give completeness to your image and to deprive of you age in the best sense.