How to remove artificial eyelashes

How to remove artificial eyelashes

sadly the woman at whom rare cilia frame fine eyes sometimes looks. To correct freak of nature, it is possible to use eyelash extension. Artificial eyelashes at the correct make-up will look not worse than natural.

Increase eyelashes only in beauty shops. In house conditions to independently carry out this procedure it is impossible. And here to remove them when they after warranty saloon period begin to disappear, perhaps.

The principle of eyelash extension is that the cilia made of natural hair are pasted on the thinnest strip, and this strip together with eyelashes is pasted special cosmetic glue.

After you are convinced that the increased eyelashes have come to deplorable state (have begun to disappear), it is necessary to remove them.

There are three ways of removal in house conditions of the increased eyelashes:

  • By means of means Debonder
  • By means of oil
  • By means of fat cream


Debonder is special cosmetic liquid for removal of artificial eyelashes. It is convenient to use this means, it is safe for eyes. It is possible to use it quite often, as actresses do. It is very economic way of removal of eyelashes, one bottle is enough for long time. Liquid dissolves glue, without causing allergic reaction of skin.


At removal of eyelashes oil any vegetable oil will approach, but it is better to use burdock. Except that with its help the increased eyelashes will be removed, burdock oil will have beneficial influence on growth of own eyelashes. The way of use is very simple: for night of eyelash oil, and in the morning just remove artificial filaments with cotton pad.


Removal of eyelashes fat cream is not more difficult at all, than oil. Cream has to be very fat and not allergenic. Apply cream on the line of gluing of eyelashes and in 5 minutes remove cotton pad. During this time cream will enter interaction with glue, will soften it, and cilia will easily be removed.

If you resort to eyelash extension often, it is necessary to take small break between procedures. At this time skin should allow to have a rest around eyes, and to feed the eyelashes with castor or burdock oil. 

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
