How to remove dirt from under nails

How to remove dirt from under nails

That hands looked beautiful and tidy, it is necessary to keep nails clean. At hit of dirt under nails it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible that it has not managed to dry up and has not got deeply into nail plate.

The rule for every day

Removal of dirt under nails has to become daily habit along with washing and toothbrushing. It is better to carry out this procedure in the evening, at bedtime, when you have already taken shower and precisely you know that today it is not necessary to be engaged in "dirty affairs" any more. If not only the appearance, but also healthy condition of nails is important for you, you should not apply to their cleaning at all sharp metal objects (nail files, cuticle scissors, etc.) as at their use it is possible to damage the internal surface of nail easily. It is for this purpose better to use wooden stick for manicure and small soft brush. Most effectively it is possible to clean dirt under nails, using brush in the beginning, and then wooden stick. The brush is recommended to be soaped previously for mitigation.

Bleaching of nails lemon

Sometimes it is impossible to clean dirt from under nails by means of manicure accessories. In this case the lemon will help. Take lemon piece, squeeze out its juice in small pan with water and dip into it fingers for 10-15 minutes. It is possible just to cut lemon in half and to thrust nails in pulp. After that rinse hands or lower them in basin with warm water and rinse.

For the purpose of fixing of this procedure it is possible to make natural mask for hands. For its preparation it is necessary to take a little vegetable oil, tea spoon of honey and crude egg yolk. Properly mix all ingredients and apply the received weight on hands. Then wrap them in thin polyethylene film and leave in such state for 30 minutes then wash away and smear hands with the moisturizing cream which you usually use. The result by all means will please: and nails will be clean, and skin will become soft and beautiful.

Prevention of dirty nails

Most often dirt under nails appears after work in garden or kitchen garden. If it has not too eaten, then is removed without any efforts after washing of hands with soap or acceptances of shower. But nevertheless, before work with the earth it is better to put on in advance rubber or rubberized gloves that dirt was not hammered under nail plates. If there are no gloves near at hand, before work it is possible to scratch nails ordinary dry soap. Thus you will be able well to protect nails from hit of dirt under them. In the absence of other means of protection it is possible to use medical plaster: just paste it on finger-tips, and then nails will remain cleaner.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
