How to remove fat in 10 days

How to remove fat in 10 days

It is possible to lose weight in 10 days by 2-4 kg without special harm for health. For this purpose it is necessary to adhere to diet and also to add to sports day regimen. So if you have decided to change, do not hesitate, the appearance depends only on your efforts.

Healthy nutrition – guarantee of comfortable weight loss

Quite often excess weight appears from behind errors in food. If you have already faced problem, then you should exclude from diet all products rich with carbohydrates, namely sweets, grain, pastries and another. Sweet teeth can indulge a little themselves in the morning, but after lunch to use chocolate, cakes or cookies are not necessary.

You can eat unlimited number of fresh vegetables, boiled beef or chicken meat, and here fruit need to be limited. Use apples, pears, oranges and other low-calorie fruits no later than 16:00 as at them there are digestible carbohydrates. And here salad from cucumbers or tomatoes you can have a bite and at 20:00. The main thing that to dream there were not less than three hours.

Alcohol, fried, smoked and salty – taboo. During the period the weight loss can only be looked at these products, and here is them it is impossible, otherwise excess weight will not abandon you.

Cardio-trainings – what is necessary for combustion of fat

If you led inactive life, it is time to change the habits. To burn fat, it is necessary to be engaged! Best of all weight loss happens at occupation kardio exercises, namely – run. Consider that to run on the street, to the room or on the racetrack not less than 60 minutes a day is necessary to you. The fact is that the first 30 minutes there is active splitting of glycogen in liver, only then the organism begins to spend the saved-up fat. Register in gym if you have opportunity. The trainer will pick up also other exercises which will help to create figure of your dream. If there is neither time, nor money, run in the fresh air, swing press and squat in house conditions.

The cunnings helping to lose weight quicker

If you have healthy stomach, use lemon juice – on glass of cold water add about juice tablespoon. It is desirable to drink the acidified water since morning. Before lunch eat couple of slices of pineapple – the natural zhiroszhigatel (bromeline) helping to lose weight without harm for health contains fruit. During strong hunger drink glass of mineral water. If it does not help, and till lunch or dinner there is a lot more time, eat 200 ml of low-fat yogurt, ideally – 1%. If desired it is possible to have a bite green apple go orange. Try to eat in at one time, then you sustain the 10th day diet without special difficulties.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
