How to remove hems from pimples

How to remove hems from pimples

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Pimples and eels very often leave behind scars and hems on face. It turns out that the person who has got rid of one problem has received another. You should not despair in this case. I exist the checked folk remedies which will help to cope with this illness.

1. Take 3 tablespoons of warm water and add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Well mix this consistence. Having blotted cotton tampon in ready mix, wipe face in the morning and in the evening. This means has excellently recommended in fight against traces after pimples.

2. Clay masks are not less effective against hems on face. Such cosmetic very simply is prepared. For this purpose it is necessary to mix 1 teaspoon of warm flowing water, 1 tablespoon of green clay and 2-3 drops of essential oil of rosemary. This means is applied by the quiet massing movements to in advance cleaned face skin. In 10-12 minutes the remains of clay mask should be washed away warm water. It should be noted that if you the owner of dry face type, then this cosmetic has to be applied only on affected areas. No more than 3 times a week are recommended to do clay masks.

3. Cucumber lotion also excellently helps to smooth hems after pimples on skin. Moisten cotton tampon in ready cosmetic and wipe affected areas of skin. The procedure it is necessary to carry out 1-2 times a day. It is possible to buy cucumber lotion in drugstore or in specialized shop.

4. Use of number of essential oils can help to cope with hems after pimples on the face. Apply small amount of means on cotton pad (tampon). Wipe affected area of skin with the easy movement. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 1-2 times a day. Essential oils on the basis of extract of rosemary, lavender, tea tree or avocado perfectly will be suitable for clarification of skin from hems.

5. For face cleansing from hems try honey solution. For its preparation add 1 teaspoon of natural honey to glass of warm boiled water. Carefully mix ready mix. Honey has to be dissolved completely in water. Wipe with this solution affected areas of skin. In 5-7 minutes wash away the remains of honey means warm water or grass infusion. 1-2 times a day are recommended to hold the procedure.

6. Parsley decoction will help to get rid of hems. It is very simple to prepare it. Well wash out 30 g of parsley and crush. Make greens 1 glass of abrupt boiled water. Densely cover capacity. In 2-3 hours filter infusion. Pour it on molds for ice and remove in the freezer for day. It is necessary to wipe hems 2-3 times a day with 1 cube of ice.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
