Extensions (or striya) - the superficial hems arising on skin owing to restretching or hormonal changes. This problem is familiar to most of the women having children. The growing tummy, the breast which with arrival of milk has grown stout on two sizes — as a result gentle skin does not maintain stretching, on it ugly hems of crimson color appear.
1. The reason of emergence of extensions — insufficient elasticity of skin. Therefore first of all it is worth paying attention to food. Eat as much as possible proteins which are sources of the collagen which is responsible for skin durability. Surely include in the diet nuts, sunflower seeds, seafood, fish, liver and greens. And here it is better not to be fond of farinaceous food: without bringing benefit to organism, rolls and cakes only add excess centimeters.
2. Moisturize the skin. Among pharmaceutical cosmetics it is possible to find set of the means created for fight against extensions today. However natural oils also will be suitable for daily leaving: olive, peach, linen, almond. Easy massage movements rub oil in problem zones, trying not to stretch skin.
3. The peeling helps to peel the upper layer of the skin and to make striya less noticeable. For holding procedure in house conditions it is possible to use the srub bought in cosmetic shop, and it is possible to prepare it independently. For this purpose spoon of ground coffee mix with small amount of oil, for example, olive. Apply the turned-out means to skin, and then wash away warm water. Do not rub srub at all, it can lead to formation of microinjuries and only worsen situation.
4. In beauty shop to you can suggest to carry out chemical peeling. This procedure is rather effective in fight against old extensions. As a result of putting certain acids, deep layers of epidermis are burned, production of collagen is stimulated. However this serious intervention therefore it is worth approaching the choice of the expert carefully.
5. One more popular saloon procedure — mesotherapy. By means of microinjections the vitamin cocktail containing nutrients and extracts is entered into skin. It stimulates exchange processes in connecting fabric, minimizing external manifestations of extensions. To achieve steady effect, it is worth conducting course from 8-10 sessions.