Reddenings on face can appear quite often. Usually serve as the reasons irritation from dust, bad weather, allergy, after face peel, others, disturbing skin, factors. And, of course, any person wants to get rid of such cosmetic defect as soon as possible. Ways as to make it quickly, exists quite a lot therefore it is always possible to choose that which will suit you.
It is required to you
- - cosmetic clay;
- - honey;
- - cinnamon;
- - essential oils;
- - children's and bathing soap;
- - starch;
- - aspirin;
- - lotion.
1. If you have no allergy to honey, then can try to make such mask: 1 tsp of honey + 1 tsp of cinnamon ground, everything carefully mix and you apply ready mix on those sites of the person which have reddened. Time of reception of the procedure - about 20 minutes. And you will be able to notice effect at once. For fixing of result it is recommended to do such mask within 10 days.
2. As the emergency help to the reddened person try the following method. Smear reddening with children's cream then carefully erase it cotton tampon or disk. Then wet the place of defect and plentifully grease with bathing soap. It is necessary to wash away it according to such scheme: accurately put palm with water to it, you will not feel yet what on skin of traces of soap did not remain. The only minus of this method - reddening disappears for a while. So further you will be helped by only cardinal measures of treatment.
3. Ideal way for instant disposal of redness on face - aspirin use. Masks from it is just magic means. To make to itself such, take 3 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and mix them with small amount of your favourite lotion for the person. Only you remember that lotion should not contain any aggressive substances, like salicylic acid. Stir tablets with lotion in gruel and apply it to skin, for about 20 minutes. Then wash away warm water. Reddening will not be any more. Only do not abuse this means. It is possible to do such mask not more often than two times a week.
4. Take clay (green or white, it is unimportant), dissolve it with water to smetanoobrazny state and add a little essential oil, for example, of cinnamon. Put it on face for 15-20 minutes, and then wash away mask warm water.
5. Use starch as means for washing. It also perfectly eliminates reddenings and bleaches face.
6. If you want to remove reddening from face skin policlinic, then choose cryomassage. This procedure very effectively struggles with defects of skin, instantly eliminating them, at the same time revitalizing face skin.