How to return beauty

How to return beauty

problem of withering of skin, hair and nails begins to disturb people after twenty five years. With everyone lived year skin becomes less elastic, on nails there are hems and spots, and hair grow dull and thin. Whether it is possible to suspend this process and to return the lost beauty?

  1. Avoid organism dehydration. Abuse of tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages results in dryness of skin. Deprived of moistening she grows old quicker. Drink more than the pure, filtered water. From all volume of liquid which you use in day at least one liter has to fall on clear water, without addition of sugar and other components.
  2. Include in daily food allowance crude vegetables and fruit in integral look, or in the form of salads and desserts. Vegetables and fruit contain the cellulose promoting clarification of organism from toxins and compensate for the deficiency of vitamins B organism. Youth vitamins, such as A, E, C, are antioxidants and prevent presenilation of cages. Necessary vitamins contain in citrus, blackcurrant, olives, strawberry, nuts, sunflower seeds. For giving of elasticity of skin also proteins are necessary: fermented milk products, fish, bean, low-fat grades of meat.
  3. Remember national recipes of beauty which secular beauties used for a long time. One of them – wiping of the person ice pieces. Fill in water in special form and put for the night in the fridge. Pull out form in the morning, let's it stand 3-5 minutes in heat that ice has lagged behind walls. Take piece of ice and accurately wipe with it face on massage lines: from the middle of forehead to temples, from nose wings to ears, from the middle of chin to ear lobe, from outer edge of lower eyelid to internal. Do ice massage no more than five minutes, otherwise it is possible to chill Highmore's bosoms.
  4. Once a week provide skin nourishment, hair and nails by means of masks from natural components. Masks from rural sour cream are useful to skin. Smear face with even layer of sour cream and let's it be absorbed. Wait 15 minutes, then wash away warm water. After the procedure you will notice that skin began to look fresh. Rinsings by natural herbs infusions are useful to hair: nettles, camomiles, calendulas, burdock. Take 2-3 tablespoons of dry leaves and fill in with boiled water halfliter. Let's infuse six hours and rub infusion in head skin. Rinse with it hair after washing. Infusions of herbs will return to hair gloss and elasticity. Strengthening of nails requires lemon. Cut it in half and ship the first phalanxes of fingers in lemon pulp for five minutes. Then rinse hands cool water.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
