How to stimulate growth of hair in the person

How to stimulate growth of hair in the person

Not all men can brag of well-groomed bristle – sign of the brutal man. Speed of growth of hair as well as all vital processes, it is put at the genetic level. However the nature can help to solve problem of growth of beard and mustache simple means.

It is required to you

  • - razor;
  • - Monoksidil (Regeyn or Rogain);
  • - castor oil;
  • - burdock oil;
  • - vitamin complexes;
  • - zinc-containing food


1. With slow growth of hair in the person shave bristle as in certain cases after shaving growth of hair becomes active. However keep in mind that frequent shaving does not give guarantee of activity of growth of hair. Therefore if you already have good results in the form of the grown bristle, but to ideal only several millimeters are not enough, then you do not hurry to shave off it in hope that she will grow up quicker, it will become better and will reach the necessary size - temporarily postpone the razor.

2. Exclude from the diet the coffee, tea and energy drinks containing caffeine as caffeine leads to development by estrogen organism that promotes testosterone suppression.

3. Accept complexes of vitamins and minerals. For stimulation of growth of hair one of the most important elements is zinc. Include the food containing zinc in daily diet: eggs, half-sun-fish seeds, pumpkin seeds, haricot and nuts. For normalization of exchange processes in organism use grain, fruit and vegetables.

4. Apply special lotions which are on sale in drugstores: monoksidit, rogayn or regeyn. In lotions there are no dyes, hormones, they have no smell.

5. Apply the burdock and castor oil mixed in equal parts on bristle. Leave for two hours on face, then wash away it warm water with soap, soft shampoo or gel for washing.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
