How to strengthen the hair? The similar question is asked by many women and girls. And it is not vain as thick and strong hair is not only indicator of female beauty, but also sign of healthy organism. All dream of this wealth, however, not all have it.
It is required to you
- - broths of herbs;
- - natural oils;
- - masks.
- Wash hair in boiled water. If it is impossible, then rinse with different broths of herbs: use roots of burdock, nettle, camomile, etc. Select ingredients according to your type of hair. It is impossible to wash the head with too hot or cold water, at the same time its temperature has to be about 36-37 degrees.
- Do not abuse frequent washing of your locks as from them also nutrients, vitamins and moisture are washed away protective. Hair will just lose the gloss.
- Rub natural oils in head skin - it is one of the most effective ways. As a rule, it can be castoric, sea-buckthorn, burdock and other oils and also their mix. Care rub means in roots of hair, then put on special hat from cellophane, then wrap up with towel and wait 50 min. After – wash away. Repeat this procedure 2 times a week to improve structure of hair.
- Do not apply metal and plastic hairbrushes. Use these objects from tree better, it is desirable with massage effect (on cloves of hairbrush there are small balls).
- How still to strengthen your hair? Instead of shampoo prepare mix from warm water and the shaken-up eggs. Apply it 2 times and then wash away. The method is suitable for oily hair. Correctly wash hair. It is necessary to do it in the direction of locks, without fingering them. At the same time soap only roots of hair, and wash the ends with the turned-out foam during rinsing.
- One of the most known masks for strengthening of hair is preparing so: one spoon of honey and also yolk and some ingredient at your choice, proceeding from the fact that there are houses. For example, it can be tincture of red pepper, castor oil, burdock oil and plus the crushed one segment of garlic. Rub this mix in skin, wrap up with towel and then wash away in hour.
- Grate bulb, then squeeze out juice through gauze of this weight. Rub this liquid in head skin for the night, and next morning wash up hair.