How to take away back hair

How to take away back hair

Back hair — quite widespread phenomenon which meets at many men. In certain cases it arises also at female representatives for whom it becomes source of psychological discomfort. There are several various ways which allow to get rid of back hair for some time or forever. Each of such methods has both advantages, and shortcomings.

Hair removing creams

Today it is simple to find such creams in sale. The principle of their action is simple — special chemical component splits in hair of squirrels because of what the root of hair weakens and the last drops out almost at once. This procedure manages cheap. Its effect lasts no more than 1-2 weeks, however it has certain shortcomings.

So, hair removing creams cannot be used on parts of the body with sensitive skin as chemical components of these means are capable to cause allergic reaction.

Razors for back

On sale there are also special razors for back. They differ from usual in the fact that at them the handle is a little longer and the edge is wider. Other, many use habitual disposable razors. Also shaving cream is required. Such procedure of removal of hair on spin is very simple, manages cheap, but it has considerable shortcomings. First of all is short effect and also emergence of new, more rigid hairs literally in couple of days. Such hairs are brought by feeling of discomfort. The feeling of burning after shaving does not add comfort too. But the main minus - bristle on back which appears in several days after shaving looks not esthetically.

Wax depilation

Removal of hair on spin by means of wax depilation - too rather effective method. However feelings when holding this procedure — not from the most pleasant. To reduce discomfort, usual wax can be replaced with soy which sticks only to hairs. It should be applied on the processed site of skin, and then to put to it strips from special material. In a few minutes wax will dry, and strips need to be broken. This procedure can last long enough. Besides, it is quite painful. However and the effect of it notable — problem for the next 1-1.5 months disappears.

Laser epilation

It is rather new method which allows to destroy hair root by means of laser radiation. The follicle at the same time remains on the place therefore hair through certain time will grow again, however such process takes a lot of time, as provides long effect. This procedure is almost painless, however on its use there are some restrictions (certain types of skin). For the rest it is rather expensive, but also very effective procedure. There is enough effect of it approximately for 6 months.

Removal of hair on spin by means of electrolysis

In this case the special thinnest needle is entered into hair core. Then to follicle the impulse which completely destroys cells of hair moves. On this place new will not grow any more. Separately sessions of implementation of such procedure are short. However it should be taken into account that work is carried out with each hair separately, and therefore on all process a lot of time is required. Besides, each session separately costs not much, but in complex there is quite impressive sum. Nevertheless, the result is worth it — are depilated spin forever.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
