In cold season not only we, but also our organism is exposed to tortures: dry face skin, fragile nails and general malaise is sign that it urgently needs vitamins. And not only to organism, in particular hair – they most of all suffer in frosts, being exposed to hot drying phenom and to laying, numerous use of varnish for fixing of hairstyle and even elastic bands.
If your hair were exhausted before arrival of winter, you should not despair – it is necessary to do useful masks often. Only it is worth defining the type hair, otherwise it is possible to aggravate their state.
Masks which part salt and soda is will be suitable for oily hair at roots. Soda dries, absorbs in itself surplus of skin fat, salt disinfects. Also try to use natural broths of herbs is camomile, St. John's wort, calendula, celandine. Leaves and flowers are made according to recommendations and the cooled tincture can be added to shampoos, balms and cosmetic masks. Do not forget to use shampoos and conditioners with addition of nettle.
The hair inclined to section, fragile and dry – will approach continuous power and moistening. For a start buy shampoo which part olive oils, jojoba, extracts from stones of exotic fruit are. Also, besides shampoos, you do not speak rapidly phenom with constant drying. Whenever possible let's dry to hair at the room temperature, you also do not walk with the wet head the street.
It is also important to update hairstyle – even if you have no model or special hairstyle, it is worth visiting the hairdresser at least every two months – to straighten length at least on centimeter. So, hair will get rid of the making heavier splitting ends, will take healthy form over time. If there is no time for house procedures for leaving, then you can always use services in beauty shop – thermal masks, bio-keratinaceous hair straightening – all this will do good.
Perhaps, natural oils and useful balms will not return beauty of hair – means, take care of the organism. For a start, it is possible to make tests on hormones and thyroid gland, to consult to the therapist, maybe, some illness prevents hair to look smartly.
Winnow rate of the all-strengthening vitamins – where there are calcium, phosphorus and iron. You remember the diet – if your hair have tendency to plentiful release of fat on head skin – fat products are contraindicated to you. Oils, fried meat, chips, croutons, fast food – all this it is necessary to avoid. Lean on vegetables, nuts, grain better. Try to do without salt – it detains moisture in organism. Hypostases of extremities, the area of the face and neck – then should reduce consumption of salt to minimum. Also refuse sugar – and do not use substitutes – they even more harmfully, so in blood cholesterol can raise. If hair look lifeless and gray, without gloss – it is worth including fowl in breakfast and lunch – it is rich omega with acids. Eat beet, radish and carrots – and in two weeks your hair will tell you thanks!