How to tighten flabby skin

How to tighten flabby skin

The reasons for which there is flabbiness of skin great variety. It both result of aging of skin, and consequence of low-quality cosmetics, and even incorrectly organized diet leading to sharp weight loss. Therefore corrective actions are necessary various, depending on the initial reason.


1. For this purpose that skin has been tightened, it is necessary to give it tone. For this purpose just regularly wipe body with ice cubes. Motions have to be circular, at the same time ice cube slightly press on the surface of skin. And if ice is prepared from broth of medicative herbs, then the efficiency of the procedure will grow many times. They narrow pores, tone up skin and give it the fresh shining look.

2. Physical daily exercises have huge value. It is possible to use usual exercises or to address the expert who will develop for you the whole system. The gymnastics well tightens skin and gives it well rested look.

3. There is national way the organism allowing to clean from slags and to tighten skin, these are bathtubs with sea salt. There are enough three times a week for month to see positive result.

4. Do not forget about healthy nutrition. Remember that use of such products as: sugar, caffeine, various semi-finished products and alcoholic drinks, leads to decrease in tone of skin. The balanced food supported with fruit and vegetables prolongs life not only to your organism, but also skin.

5. Not to do also without use of cosmetics. The masks prepared in house conditions, for example, lemon will be the best assistant. The easiest way - cut lemon circles and apply to the problem place. Or squeeze out juice, wet gauze and apply for 20 minutes. Such mask perfectly nourishes skin, narrows pores and restores elasticity.

6. For intensive treatment at flabbiness of skin excellent means is the mask from yellow clay. Fill in clay with warm water or milk that quite dense weight has turned out, and apply on parts of the body with thick layer. After influence within half an hour, wash away weight under warm shower. The procedure is designed for 10 courses conducted every other day. For skin aging prevention, once a week suffices.

7. For those who adhere to strict diets, you remember that sharp decrease in body weight, is direct way to formation of folds. Normal speed of weight loss is 1 kg in week. Also refuse bezzhirovy diets, at insufficient intake of fat in organism, skin becomes dry. For the period of diet choose the products with the lowered fat content but which were not fat-free absolutely in any way.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
