How to use castor oil for hair

How to use castor oil for hair

Use of castor oil as cosmetic is known long ago. The oil received by method of cold extraction from castor-bean tree seeds actively is applied as effective remedy on hair, eyebrows, eyelashes care, skin of face, hands and legs.

It is required to you

  • - castor oil;
  • - almond oil;
  • - shampoo;
  • - onions juice;
  • - medical alcohol;
  • - calendula tincture.


  1. As prevention of appearance of dandruff and hair loss rub castor oil in head skin once a week. It will remove the pollution and bacteria which have accumulated in skin pores, will eliminate causative agents of infection and will moisturize the skin. Previously warm up oil on water bath, and later put and massage head skin within 5-10 minutes, put on hat for shower or cellophane, wrap towel and wait not less than an hour then wash up the head shampoo.
  2. Feed dry hair with compresses. For their preparation take castor, almond oil and shampoo in the ratio 2:2:1. Apply the warmed-up mix on hair, take not less than an hour and wash away shampoo. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in two weeks.
  3. Prepare balm for strengthening of hair. Take 2 tablespoons of onions juice and as much castor oil, warm up and rub in hair. Take under warm cap of 40 minutes, then wash away balm.
  4. At intensive hair loss the mask from the castor oil mixed in equal proportions with medical alcohol is very effective. Apply mix on hair and take two hours. After washing off of mask rinse hair with the acidified water. For its preparation add to water juice of half of lemon or 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar.
  5. In the presence of dandruff make mask of the castor oil and tincture of calendula mixed in equal parts. You carry out the procedure for hour before washing of the head. Take mask on hair one hour and wash away the shampoo containing natural extracts of herbs.
  6. There are no contraindications on use of castor oil. But if you showed allergic reaction after oil use, then immediately stop using it and see doctor.
  7. Do not buy castor oil with additives, prepare mix independently better. In this case the undoubted effect and as result — thick, shiny and healthy hair is guaranteed to you.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
