The laminaria or seaweed contains huge amount of useful vitamins, microelements, salts and and also proteins. The cosmetic medicines created on its basis very well influence face skin - clean pores, stimulate regeneration process and also improve complexion, smooth wrinkles, adjust oval, perfectly humidify.
The laminaria is seaweed of brown color which is used in the preventive purposes at diseases of thyroid gland. Also this product allows to adjust exchange processes in organism and to strengthen immunity.
The laminaria is necessary for people who suffer from hypertension. It perfectly cleans intestines from slags and toxins.
The following components are part of this brown alga: iodine, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, bromine, sodium, copper, magnesium, gammalinolinolevy and alginic acids, vitamins E, And yes Page. As for application in cosmetology, quite often do excellent masks and face scrubs of laminaria. Regular use of such masks helps to improve the general condition of skin, to make it smooth and velvety.
It is possible to get laminaria in usual drugstore. Often it is on sale in the form of powder or leaves. If you have got leaves, they will be required to be crushed carefully. To prepare alga for the subsequent addition in masks, rather simply. For this purpose it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of laminaria and to fill in with glass of warm water. After a while (about 30-35 minutes) it has to be softened and bulk up. Then it will be possible to add the additional ingredients which are part of face pack.
If you want to make the withering face skin more elastic, tightened and fresh, try to prepare mask according to the original recipe. For a start prepare laminaria as it has been stated above. After that add to it 2 tablespoons of sea-buckthorn oil or 1 tsp of honey depending on what you have. Carefully mix components and put on face. In 25 minutes rinse it warm water. By the way, if desired it is possible just to alternate honey and sea-buckthorn oil. In completion of the procedure it is necessary to use the moisturizing cream. Other mask from laminaria perfectly will be suitable for dry skin care. Prepare the mass of brown alga and mix it with 1 egg yolk. Also for achievement of maximum efficiency it is possible to pour in 2 tsps of olive oil in the turned-out mix. Musk needs to hold on face of 20 minutes. Then it needs to be washed away carefully by contrast method (at first warm, and then cool water).
If desired it is possible to use oil of grape seeds or sea-buckthorn oil. These components perfectly moisturize and feed the overdried face skin.
The laminaria makes favorable impact not only on dry and withering, but also on oily skin. With its help it is possible to get rid of the bothered heat-spots and eels. Only in that case masks need to be done regularly (at least 2 times a week). The recipe for such mask is very simple. It is necessary to mix the inflated alga with small amount (1 tsp) of lemon juice. Then it should be put on face on quarter of hour and to wash away properly rather cold water. Similar cosmetic will allow to pull together time and to save the person from surplus of skin fat. The above-stated simple recipes will help to make your skin younger and healthy. The laminaria is quite often applied also to anti-cellulite wrappings.