woman regularly removes make-up. Happens, as not once a day. What it is possible to do it by by that which prefers natural components and not really trusts industrial achievements?
Or that at which means from shop of cosmetics - it too sluchayetyosya zayokonchitsya suddenly? Or that which loves variety in everything including in the course of removal of make-up?
Fine means for removal of make-up is olive oil of the first extraction. It is suitable for any, even fat and very sensitive skin. And for dry skin it is ideal option. Olive oil contains many vitamins and antioxidants and also the substances softening skin.
One more oil, suitable for removal of make-up, - castoric. It gets deeply into skin pores and extends from them the eaten dirt. Besides, castor oil has property to heal small wounds and therefore well is suitable for the inflamed and problem skin.
As it becomes:
The best option for removal of make-up all-type skin - mix of these oils in proportion 1:1. For oily skin it is possible to increase share of castor oil, but it is no more than up to 1:3, for dry - olive, in the same proportion. Mix needs to be applied on make-up and to slightly massage skin finger-tips. Then to wet terry towel in hot water, to wring out it and to put on the person. It is necessary that time has revealed and warm oil has got more deeply for deep cleaning. When the towel cools down, it needs to be rinsed in water of room temperature and to remove residues of oil and make-up from face. In completion of the procedure it is useful to rinse face cold water - that were closed and became unavailable to time dirt.
Natural yogurt
Natural yogurt - fine means for removal of make-up. It moisturizes and smoothes the skin, enriches it with vitamins and amino acids. The only condition - yogurt has to be natural: without sugar, fillers, fragrances and other additives. Pay attention to period of storage: at natural yogurt it no more than a week. Fat content of this product has to be back proportsional on the fat content of your skin: than the land skin is also more senior, that yogurt is more fatly desirable. Respectively, the fat-free product best of all will be suitable for oily skin.
As it becomes:
A little yogurt needs to be applied on cotton plate or soft napkin and to carefully remove make-up. Upon termination of the procedure the face needs to be rinsed with water of room temperayotura.
Skin, fat and not inclined to sensitivity, can be cleaned by means of honey. Containing huge amount of useful substances, in the course of removal of make-up it will saturate, will soften and will moisturize the skin. Optimum, if medical has already become candied - in this case it will be able to play role of natural srub. If medical liquid, it is possible to add to it a little baking soda or soyola of fine crushing.
As it becomes:
Candied medical (or soda, medical with addition) to put it is available and to pomassiroyovat gently skin (it is possible vospolzo-to vatsya by cotton plates or soft linen napkin). After the procedure medical it is necessary to wash away water of komyonatny temperature.