Skin of lips is sensitive to various factors of the external environment. She demands the same permanent care, as well as hair, and teeth. Irrespective of season the lip care always has to be careful.
Upper layer of lips, thin, blood vessels are rather close to surface. Because of it lips at influence of sunshine, winter cold weather, windy weather, begin to be shelled and burst. Generally people who like to bite lips are exposed to it or to lick. Therefore lip care is so important.
Over the years in tissues of lips the amount of collagen and elastin decreases therefore folds appear, lines become not such accurate any more. To avoid early age aging, also various masks, massage and exercises for lips will help cream with Retinolum.
Herpes on lips
Many troubles are caused by herpes. If the virus has got to organism, then he settles in it forever. There is herpes in the period of disease as the immunity, also from overcooling in winter time goes down or, on the contrary, at long stay in the sun in the flying.
For treatment of herpes on lips, besides the ointments acquired in drugstore it is possible to use folk remedies. Unlike medicines, they have no side effects and accustoming. It is possible to distinguish from effective remedies: fir oil, garlic, sea-buckthorn oil, juice of aloe and kalanchoe, camomile broth. In the preventive purposes it is necessary to strengthen immunity, not to subject organism to stresses and overcooling.
There are three principles of care for lips: clarification, food and protection. Lips should be ground special means, or in the absence of those by means of toothbrush to mass and grind dead cells. After this procedure it is necessary to apply nutritious cream.
For giving to lips of freshness it is necessary to do nutritious mask. For this purpose it is necessary to mix carrot juice and a little sour cream, to apply on lips for 10 minutes and to wash away water.
At care for skin of lips it is necessary to consider season. During winter season are necessary fat, nutritious cream which preserve against frost and wind. And in the flying – cream and the balms moisturizing with the UV filter, protecting from the sun. That lips remained soft and gentle, it is necessary to apply daily nutritious cream or the moisturizing balm which contain glycerin, beeswax, shea butter, vitamins A and E.A before leaving to use the street hygienic lipstick. It protects, softens and prevents emergence of cracks.
Following these rules, in several days of lip considerably will change, and the smile will be charming.