Peeling of face in house conditions

Peeling of face in house conditions

For absolute purity of skin of only one washing it is not enough. Few times in week skin needs deeper cleaning saving it from devitalized sections, fat and dirt. It is easy to spend such procedure at home, having prepared various peelings from the products which are available in any house.


1. One of the simplest is the peeling sugar. Soap hands before emergence of foam, and then put it on face, excepting eye area. Take small handful of sugar in palms and massage skin couple of minutes then wash cool water. The same procedure can be carried out with usual soda. It, besides, will help to get rid of unpleasant greasy luster.

2. Good means is the peeling from porridge and cucumber. Rub the cleaned cucumber on small grater and squeeze out juice. Crush oat-flakes by means of the coffee grinder. After that mix on spoon of oatmeal and sea salt and cucumber juice to condition of gruel. Apply weight to skin, slightly massage, take within ten minutes, and then wash away.

3. The mashed strawberry mixed with spoon of kefir or yogurt perfectly will be suitable for problem skin. Mix is put on face by the massing movements, and then washed away. At dry skin kefir can be replaced with olive oil.

4. Rice flour has salutary effect on skin. It connected to ground coffee in equal quantities and divorced kefir or yogurt, perfectly cleans and tones up. Owners of dry skin should replace kefir with heavy cream or sour cream. Musk needs to put on the steamed-out face approximately for five minutes. It is possible to mix rice grain flour with the same amount of olive oil and cottage cheese. Such mix is applied to moist skin for couple of minutes.

5. Those who has oily skin will suit peeling from cranberry and essential oil. 15 berries need to be pounded from 5 g of almond oil, orange oil drop, spoon of sugar and half of spoon of the porridge processed in flour. Massage mix face, take it within ten minutes, and then wash warm water.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
