hot summer days to watch the beauty especially difficult. In the conditions of the city skin is harmed by dry hot air, harmful vapors of cars, the scorching sun. To look always attractive and fresh, it is necessary to know the councils for personal care checked by time during the summer period.
- In the flying ice cubes from cucumber and aloe will become irreplaceable skin care product. It is simple to prepare them - it is necessary to take the squeezed-out juice of aloe of 1 h l and to fill in in icetray. Also to arrive with cucumber juice which after extraction is filled in in form and is put in the freezer for hardening. Such cubes it is excellent to refresh and tone up the person and zone of decollete on hot sunny summer days.
- In summer days to get rid of hair standing and hands to have twice more often than in the winter, and there is high probability of irritation on skin. Camomile tea which will quickly calm and will eliminate skin irritations will come to the rescue. Tea works better than the most advertized aftershaves. It is necessary to take several spoons of pharmaceutical camomile and to fill in 100 ml of water, to allow to infuse and cool down. Then to put the gauze moistened in this tea to the place where the skin irritation has appeared. To hold 15 min. Also It should be noted that irritation after to have a shave usual children's powder perfectly removes.
- Means from the juice of lemon, water and sugar taken in equal proportions will help to slow down growth of undesirable hair on body. Means is put in 15 minutes after to have a shave and keeps on skin of 20 min. The procedure can be carried out after each shaving. Growth of hair considerably decreases, and it will be required to have a shave less often.
- During heat right in the sun our hair are exposed to direct influence and considerably burn out. To save itself in the absence of headdress, it is necessary to cause small amount of apple cider vinegar on all length of hair and to dry up them. In such simple way you protect them from burning out and effect of straw.
- It is possible to fight against the fragile whipped ends of hair in the flying by means of coconut oil. It not only humidifies, smoothes hair on all length, but also saves from split ends. Oil is applied on dry dirty hair from roots to tips, 20 min. then it is washed away by flowing water are maintained. After application the result is visible at once: obedient silky hair. For the same purposes it is possible to add avocado juice in equal proportions to coconut oil, it will provide food to hair bulbs. Hairs will become shiny and volume
- At obgoraniye in the sun the same coconut oil will help. To mix apple cider vinegar and coconut oil in equal shares, to rub in skin the easy massing movements and to leave for the night. Such way will help to avoid skin oblezaniye, the irritation will cure and will calm.