Dark circles and shadows under the eyes are problem of rather cosmetic character. Nevertheless, shadows under eyes force to fall apart at view of themselves in mirror thousands of people. Why bruises develop also what can be made in order that they were not?
Bruises and dark circles under eyes add to nobody appeal. They visually do the person is more senior and give him sickly look. Therefore they fairly spoil mood, in particular – to women. Why such problem in general appears and how to fight against it?
Basic reasons of emergence of dark circles and shadows under the eyes
The most common cause on which under eyes the person can have dark circles is banal overfatigue. There is enough literally couple of nights of uneasy faltering dream, and eyes of the person begin to shine feverishly, and under them bruises develop.
Other reason for which the healthy in general person under eyes can have dark circles is avitaminosis. This phenomenon is frequent has seasonal nature. It is enough to spend on drink rate of the polyvitamins by all means containing vitamin C, and dark circles under eyes will become less noticeable, and even absolutely will disappear. Shadows under the eyes – the eternal companion of smokers. It speaks simply: nicotine does blood vessels by more brittle and reduces their permeability that worsens inflow of blood to skin and interferes with saturation by oxygen of its deep layers. From here – unhealthy appearance and bluish shadows under eyes.
What it is possible to connect appearance of shadows under the eyes with?
Quite often dark circles under eyes are one of symptoms of allergy. It can be reaction to blossoming of plants, cat's or dog wool, poplar down and other irritants. In that case it is enough to accept antihistamines or to eliminate allergy source, and bruises will become less expressed. Quite often shadows under the eyes are direct consequence of nerve strain or long laborious work at the computer. They will pass as soon as the person has a rest, will get enough sleep and will cease to be in condition of stress. If you sleep not less than 8 hours a day, lead healthy lifestyle, are in the sun and eat properly, and shadows under the eyes do not pass, then it is necessary to see doctor. Emergence of blue, brown or yellow shadows under eyes can demonstrate violation of work some of internals. The doctor will take all necessary analyses to reveal pathology. At last, shadows under the eyes can develop with age. It occurs owing to deterioration in skin nourishment and decrease in its elasticity.