National recipes of masks for hair remain popular among women. And the onions mask, as we know, helps to reduce hair loss significantly. But despite all positive actions from mask, after all there is one powerful argument against — onions smell. It is very difficult to get rid of such caustic smell, but perhaps in several ways.
The recipe of onions mask for hair
There is set of recipes with the main making onions. To list all of them there is no sense. Let's stop on two most popular recipes of onions mask.
The simplest recipe of onions mask against loss is to smear head skin with just onions juice without additives. One procedure will require 1 average bulb. Some apply onions gruel. But then it should be taken into account that the smell will be stronger and it will be complex to get rid of scales of onions. After all it is better to use pure onions juice.
It is possible to receive onions juice too in several ways. The first way consists in filtering. The bulb needs to be cleaned and grated. It is possible to use the blender or the juice extractor. Then the received gruel needs to be filtered through fabric. It is the best of all to take handkerchief. Filtering through gauze will lead to the fact that parts of onions will get to juice.
Also onions juice can be infused. For this purpose it is necessary to cut onions with thin half rings, to put in the box and to leave closed at several o'clock. Juice has to be strained off.
Onions need to be used napiform and what it will be more evil, the effect will be better for those. It is not necessary to apply violet (salad) onions to this mask, effect of it will be much less.
Juice needs to be applied to head skin. It is the for this purpose best of all to use the syringe without needle. Then juice will be distributed evenly. It is necessary to apply juice to skin on hair partings and to rub carefully in the head. After processing it is possible to wrap up the head with towel and to leave for 1 hour. After that the mask is washed away by usual shampoo. After the first application the reduction of volosopad will be noticeable. But nevertheless it is necessary to do it by course 1-2 times a week for month.
The second recipe of onions mask too rather simple and available. It is necessary to mix onions juice, 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of honey. For dry hair it is possible to add 1 more spoon of castor oil. The mask is put, keeps and washed away as well as previous.
How to get rid of onions smell on hair
Onions smell very resistant and without additional resources it can remain for month. Especially long the smell keeps on the injured hair.
To get rid of onions smell, it is necessary:
- To purify onions juice from gruel carefully. The smell keeps on hair longer if onions juice is badly purified.
- Not to hold mask too long.
- Not to apply mask on all length of hair. The mask very well helps to cope with loss. Therefore it is necessary to apply it only to head skin that juice has worked on hair follicle.
- Add couple of drops of essential oil of tea tree, lavender or rosemary to mask. Essential oils will partially kill onions smell. But do not go too far in oils, otherwise it is possible to burn head skin.
- Well coconut oil kills onions smell. It can be applied on tips of hair during onions mask. Besides it will help at the section of hair.
- At washing off of mask add couple of drops of essential oils to shampoo.
- Rinse after shampoo hair with acidic water. It is easy to make it: on 1 l. water juice from half of lemon is added.
- It is possible to add colourless henna to mask. It too rather well kills onions smell.
- You dry hair without hair dryer, combing them with use of aromatic oils.
- Well saves hair from coffee onions smell. Wash out the dissolved coffee hair after mask and they will gain pleasant coffee aroma.
- Remember that the smell of onions becomes stronger when hair become wet. Therefore avoid during complex of procedures for hair visit of the pool, saunas and sports occupations outdoors.