After long long winter our skin has tired appearance, gray shade as it lacked sunshine. As the woman wants to look beautiful and young in any time of the year, it is necessary to be engaged in skin care constantly. There will come the spring soon, and these shortcomings of skin will be even more noticeable therefore it is necessary to prepare by means of masks in advance.
Spring masks are capable to return to your skin fresh, well rested and nice view, to tighten wrinkles and to recover faded skin. For this purpose it is worth using mask with semolina and to add to it banana half.
Take tablespoon of semolina and stir it with banana, then add spoon of olive oil. To mix all received ingredients by means of the blender. To leave mask for several minutes, semolina has to bulk up. If there is no allergy to honey, then it is possible to add to mask a little bit some honey.
To spread with the prepared mask face, neck, it is possible also decollete zone. Leave mask on skin before full drying. Then the mask needs to be washed away, at the same time it is possible to massage skin. It is not necessary to wipe skin, it is better to allow it to dry.
It is necessary to do these masks every other day or two days for two weeks.
It is possible to prepare proteinaceous srub. For this purpose take egg white, it is a little sugar and two same spoons of the crushed porridge. By means of the blender we force down squirrels, turning it into abrupt foam, then we mix it with sugar and grits. Accurately we apply the prepared srub to face skin. After that it is possible to massage with circular motions skin 2 minutes.
It is desirable for Musk to leave on face until easy drying. After that to roll mask on massage lines, then to wash away it water, at the same time all the time continue skin massage.
Do such masks of times a week for the whole month.
Still it is possible to use mask from fresh juice of aloe with gelatin. For its preparation it is necessary to take 2-3 tablespoons of aloe and tea spoon of gelatin. At will add a little honey to this mask. It is simple to prepare mask, at first take gelatin, dissolve it with aloe juice then leave that it has bulked up and only after that add honey.
Such mask has to have helium consistence. Better to put it with thick layer. In half an hour to wash warm water and, it is desirable, to apply cream with the moistening effect.
That the good result has turned out, we recommend to do such masks in 12-14 days.