Today the largest cosmetic producers offer women enormous amount of various cosmetics which is designed to rejuvenate skin and to return to fine half of mankind young freshness. However most often their products do not justify the advertized wonderful properties, rendering short-term and unstable effect. So what cosmetics can be considered really effective - and whether there is it in general?
Winner of rating
The most effective cosmetics in the world the Swiss products which are known for the highest quality and magnificent properties are considered. In the leading beauty shops and popular esthetic clinics cosmetics of the Swiss production for face and body which part the Alpine herbs, seaweed and mass of other natural components are is most often used. Products of Mila d'Opiz which effectively smooth wrinkles belong to such cosmetics, remove dark circles, spots and hypostases under eyes and also increase turgor of skin and cure seborrhea.
The secret of efficiency of the Swiss cosmetics is concluded in detailed scientific research, right choice of natural raw materials and unique recipes of its preparation.
Professional Mila d'Opiz cosmetics is constantly improved by means of advanced technologies. Components for it take from specially grown up plants of the first freshness, and put finished goods on careful clinical trials. The Swiss cosmetics stimulates internal reserves of skin and organism and also activates cellular metabolism and synthesizes the substances necessary for cells of body for rejuvenation. Professional tools of Mila d'Opiz are absolutely hypoallergenic and safe even for the feeding mothers.
The rejuvenating Swiss cosmetics
The Transvital line intended for mature skin care and developed on the basis of the last researches in the field of cosmetology and dermatology belongs to the daily rejuvenating cosmetics. Regeneration Transvital cream of the Swiss production is considered cosmetology break as its special biokomlex effectively stimulates the natural resources of skin starting natural regeneration of epidermis.
Mineral salts, natural collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are part of the Swiss wonderful cream.
Today the Swiss company Transvital produces so-called synergy cosmetics for rejuvenescence under the speaking name Biodinamic cosmetics. Its unique active components completely recreate initial structure of young skin and start the self-repairing mechanisms, giving cages the "correct" information. Influence of this cosmetics goes only on special "cellular mediators" which are coherent between cages.